Puzzles, games and jigsaws donated to Treetops Hospice

Treetops Hospice Care in Risley, is a fantastic charity who support those with Life Limiting Illnesses including cancer, organ failure, motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis. It also supports carers and families. All their services are provided free of charge and, in the last 12 months, they have cared for an amazing 1,833 people.

Puzzles, games and jigsaws will be placed into care packs and sent out to hospice users who are currently unable to access day care services.

Natalie Schofield, (pictured below with Charlee Yeomans from TMUK) Wellbeing Health Care Assistant, said “We support patients with End of Life conditions, and are still trying to provide a service to all our fabulous guests, and families, remotely due to the strange circumstances we find ourselves in. Generous donations, from companies such as Toyota, have been invaluable in helping us deliver our Cake and Care packages to everyone. We cannot thank Toyota enough for enabling us to do this further with the kind gifts. We know that it will keep so many patients busy and make such a difference to them.” 

