Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) Limited’s (TMUK) Website Privacy Notice

For Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) and Toyota Recruitment 

Data protection - what is this? 

At TMUK we are committed to respecting and maintaining the right to privacy of individuals. This notice explains the details of what information TMUK collects from you, what we do with it and who it might be shared with.

What information does TMUK collect from you?

Personal data broadly means information that identifies a living person, or which could identify them when taken together with other information that we hold, or are likely to hold.

Examples of personal and sensitive data that we might hold:

  • Title

  • First name and surname

  • Address (home or business address)

  • Postcode

  • Telephone numbers (mobile and landline)

  • Email

  • Name of organisation being represented

  • Whether or not owning a Toyota vehicle, and if so, registration details

  • Reasonable adjustments required in advance of a site visit

  • Member / employee number

  • Supervisor details

  • Charity details

  • Details specific to charity grant application (see form)

  • Cheque payee

  • Supplier registration:

    • organisation

    • address

    • contact details

    • the nature of the business

What information does TMUK collect from you for recruitment purposes?

Personal data broadly means information that identifies a living person, or which could identify them when taken together with other information that we hold, or are likely to hold.

Examples of personal and sensitive data that we might hold:

  • First name 
  • Last name 
  • Contact details - address, postcode, email, telephone and mobile numbers 
  • CV upload facility 
  • Gender, ethnicity and age (contained within Equal Opportunities Monitoring only)
  • Personalised reference number (in order to update application details)
  • Right to Work details, e.g. passport, visa, birth certificate, etc. 
  • Employment details: 
    • Earnings
    • Length of service
    • Employment & career history 
    • Recruitment details
  • Information about disciplinary sanctions 
  • Information about criminal convictions 
  • Aptitude Test and Assessment Centre results 
  • Interview notes utilising standardised document 
  • Health information (after conditional employment offer at medical questionnaire stage)
  • Age (after conditional employment offer at medical questionnaire stage)
  • Date of birth (after conditional employment offer at medical questionnaire stage)

Why does TMUK collect this information?

  • To personalise your use of the website.

  • To manage visit requests.

  • To confirm your booking for the Public Visit Programme.

  • For communication purposes – to keep you up-to-date.

  • To keep you up-to-date with Toyota Lean Approach Seminar details.

  • To manage your subscription to the external newsletter – Driven.

  • We will only ask for your information for:

    • Legitimate reasons

    • To fulfil contracts 

    • To fulfil legal duties

    • To process personal data in the framework of our professional activities for TMUK

How long does TMUK keep hold of your information?

TMUK’s Retention & Destruction Policy determines how long we will retain your personal information for.

Who might TMUK share your information with?

  • Company website host developer – Haywyre

  • For TMUK’s external newsletter – Driven, we utilise MailChimp, their privacy policy can be found here: Global Privacy Statement | Intuit

  • For Toyota Lean Approach Seminar updates we also utilise MailChimp.

  • We will not share your information for marketing purposes with other companies.

Who might TMUK Recruitment share your information with?

  • TMUK utilises Proman recruitment services.

  • Optima Health provides TMUK's Occupational Health Centre service.

  • Aptitude and Assessment Centre testing providers.

  • Company website host developer – Haywyre.

  • We utilise MailChimp, their privacy policy can be found here: Global Privacy Statement | Intuit.

  • We may also share your information with any person you provide us with authorisation to share with. 

  • We will not share your information for marketing purposes with other companies.

What does TMUK do with your information?

  • We will collect and process the information about you that you provide by filling in forms and by corresponding with us.

  • We collect information about you to offer you the best website experience.

  • For Recruitment we process your information as part of your application.

  • If TMUK Recruitment makes you a conditional employment offer, we will ask that you complete a health questionnaire, which will help us to determine if you are fit to undertake the work that you have been offered, or advise us if any adjustments are needed to the work environment or systems so that you may work effectively. The information you provide will be processed by Optima Health who will provide TMUK with a fat to work certificate or a report with recommendations. 

How can I access the information TMUK holds about me?

TMUK wants to ensure the information we hold about you is up-to-date. Please inform us if the information we hold about you is inaccurate or out of date. Please contact:

For our newsletters, seminars and visit programme, there is a function for you to unsubscribe. We will aim to respond to any privacy request received from you within 30 days of your request.

Updated 14 March 2024